Emergency Dental treatment

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Maybe you’ve been involved in a traffic accident, fallen off your bike, or sustained an injury during a sporting event. The tongue goes to where the tooth aches, that is – according to a French proverb, and you might find yourself getting up and feeling a space between your teeth that wasn’t there before. This might suggest that you have either chipped or broken your teeth and are in need of an emergency dental treatment.

While routine appointments can take days or weeks to put in place, at Adelaide Dental, an emergency situation will typically be dealt with within 24 hours. Moreover, our friendly team can provide advice on what to do in a dental emergency before reaching the dentist. We’re here to support you through even the most painful dental situations.


A Broken Tooth

If there is no bleeding but the end of the tooth is visibly broken, you’re faced with a less-than-serious dental emergency. In fact, you might even opt to wait until the following day before visiting an Adelaide Dentist if you can cope with the pain.

By contrast, if the broken edge is sharp, you will have a dental emergency on your hands. In this case, you need to schedule an immediate appointment to avoid further damaging your lips or tongue.


Severe Dental Bleeding

It’s essential to note that any tooth damage can cause bleeding. If, however, the bleeding does not stop, a visit to the dentist is a must to avoid the situation worsening.


Severe Pain

If you’ve sustained a severe injury or a serious blow to the jaw or mouth, you might be experiencing your fair share of pain. This can be a sign of extensive damage to your teeth, and you might need an x-ray or another type of investigation to determine the extent of the damage. This is particularly relevant following a violent incident involving your head, mouth, or jaw, dentists tend to classify the experience as dental trauma.

You may also be experiencing pain if you have had a sudden rupture of your gums like that of a wisdom tooth breaking through.

If you’re unsure about your symptoms and how to proceed, our Adelaide Dental team can help shed some light and guide you through this otherwise stressful process! We will always try to avoid an emergency treatment if it is necessary, but rest assured that if a visit to our Rundle Mall clinic is required we will be there to welcome you.