Broken Teeth
Broken Teeth
A broken tooth can go unnoticed for some time, however, in most cases it can be uncomfortable and annoying. A tooth can break due to variety of reasons. It may be caused by biting into something hard, from sticky foods pulling parts of the tooth out or it may be as a result of a knock to the face. If you have heard a ‘crack’ or can feel a rough edge with your tongue then you may have a broken tooth.
Common symptoms include:
- Pain while chewing
- Sharp edge can be felt by the tongue
- Food getting stuck in teeth
- Sensitivity to hot and cold stimuli
- Pain while eating sweet or acidic foods
- Spontaneous shooting pain
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, or you are in need of some advice please call us : (08) 8231 1124 or email us at reception@adelaidedentalclinic.com.au
Treatments Available