We take pride in comfort & quality dentistry.
Dental Bridge Adelaide
Dental Bridge
A bridge is a traditional way to replace missing teeth and it is still commonly used today. It involves the placement of a crown on the teeth either side of the missing tooth space. An artificial porcelain tooth is then held in the place of the missing tooth and connected to the crowns either side of that space. It can’t be removed once cemented in place and appears like individual teeth from the outside, but underneath there is a connector holding them all together. A bridge is a fantastic way to have you smiling with confidence again.
Clinical Value
- Strengthens adjacent teeth
- Mimics natural teeth
- Efficient
Patient Value
- Strong
- Long lasting
- Easy to clean
Book an Appointment
We aim to give you the smile you always wanted and teeth that will last a lifetime
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, or you are in need of some advice please call us : (08) 8231 1124 or email us at reception@adelaidedentalclinic.com.au