We take pride in comfort & quality dentistry.
Sedation Options
Sedation Options
We understand that not everyone is comfortable seeing a dentist, whether that may be because of a previous bad experience or simply out of fear. We pride ourselves on treating patients in a comfortable, relaxed and pain free environment. However for some patients, further relaxation options are available.
Some relation options include:
Sedative Medication
We offer a sedative which is taken one hour prior to a treatment and lasts around three hours. The sedative effects helps calm and reduce anxiousness and are generally used for longer treatment sessions.
Sleep Dentistry
Sleep Dentistry can be helpful when you want to undergo your dental treatment without realising what is going on or what has happened. Sleep Dentistry (IV Sedation) is completed at our practice, under the management of an Anaesthetist Specialist along with our dental team.
General Sedation (In Hospital)
In some cases, patients will need to be under the care of a hospital. (Western Hospital, Henley Beach) Once sedated there will be no knowledge or recollection of what is going on or what has happened.
Clinical Value
- Controlled environment
- Specialist operators
- Registered for Accreditation
Patient Value
- Relaxed
- Calm
- Comfortable
Book an Appointment
We aim to give you the smile you always wanted and teeth that will last a lifetime
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, or you are in need of some advice please call us : (08) 8231 1124 or email us at reception@adelaidedentalclinic.com.au