We take pride in comfort & quality dentistry.
Smile Transformations
Smile Transformations
Smile Transformation is where things get to start again. An opportunity to reset the confidence, colour, shape, size and position of the teeth. The final outcome is personal, delivered in the most comfortable way possible, natural and often life changing.
Ever thought, that persons teeth are so white, but they look so natural?
At Adelaide Dental your Smile Transformation starts with a Consultation with Dr George Mandranis, an in depth comprehensive examination, including xrays, photos and models of the teeth. Giving all the information needed to plan and make the new smile for you.
The treatment is carried out tailored to your specific smile in our relaxed environment, with your comfort #1 on our list, along with accuracy and quality precision.
The new Smile is delivered, and checked, confirmed by Dr George Mandranis, His Team and YOU before its finalised, to make sure everyone is happy and excited!
Once the Transformation is complete, we’ll show and tell you exactly how to keep things healthy, to ensure its as longest lasting as possible.
Payment for a Smile Transformation can be Prepaid, Pay as You Go or Payment Plan. These options are discussed prior to treatment, and safely locked in to ensure there is no concerns.
Before and After #1
- Discoloured existing plastic fillings
- Not Smiling
- Teeth Painful
- Teeth Dark
- Broken Front Teeth
After careful consultation of all the options with Dr George Mandranis, Alexa chose the following:
- 8 Porcelain Crowns
- Multiple Resin Restorations
- Teeth Whitening
Congratulations Alexa
Before and After #2
- Discoloured existing teeth
- Not smiling
- Heavily worn
- Teeth sensitive
- Fractured teeth
After careful consultation of all the options with Dr George Mandranis, Helen chose the following:
- 7 Porcelain crowns
- 1x Implant crown
Congratulations Helen
Before and After #3
- Not Smiling
- Wants More Natural
- Discoloured existing plastic fillings
- Teeth Dark
After careful consultation of all the options with Dr George Mandranis, Mary chose to have 10 Porcelain Crowns
Congratulations Mary!
Book an Appointment
We aim to give you the smile you always wanted and teeth that will last a lifetime
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, or you are in need of some advice please call us : (08) 8231 1124 or email us at reception@adelaidedentalclinic.com.au